Marvellous Maine’s welcomed 6 purrrfect kittens into the world on July 1, 2022.
The Proud Parents of these bundles of joy are Smokey and Lady Marmalade


Lady Marmalade
How do I reserve a Marvellous Maines Kitten ?
If the absolutely adorable pictures we share give you kitten fever and you would like to share your life with one of them, these are the steps to follow 🙂
Fill out the kitten Application
Once your application is approved, we will discuss the Marvellous Maine Kitten you would like to be your lifelong companion.
When you have decided on your forever companion a contact will be sent to you to review and sign.
All kittens will remain available until a $500 deposit is made and the signed contract is received by Marvellous Maines.
The remaining balance will be paid in full before the kitten is delivered.
Engage with us and get to know us so we may form a lasting relationship. After all, you are looking to become a part of the Marvellous Maines family.